
McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets are 40 Years Old!  Finally They Have a New Flavor

Kentucky Man is Accused of Breaking COVID Rules in Canada and is now on the hook for a $569,000 Fine.

University of Alabama has over 500 Coronavirus Cases within 5 days of reopening.  Now the school newspaper is pushing back on the administration.

Are Chicken McNuggets really 40 years old?  For the first time in 40 years McDonalds is releasing a chicken nugget with a new flavor.



Hurricane Laura is About to Unleash her Wrath on the Gulf Coast


The bacterial exposure experiment, run from 2015 to 2018, utilized the Exposed Facility located outside Kibo, the Japanese Experimental Module of the International Space Station.

Earth’s Bacteria Could Survive a Trip to Mars

Raytheon's Next Generation Jammer Mid-Band device, pictured, took its first test flight while attached to an EA-18G Growler fighter plane, the company announced. Photo courtesy of Raytheon Intelligence and Space

Jam This – Enemy Jammer Takes 1st test Flight on EA-18G Growler