GLOBAL recruitment consultancy firm Robert Walters said the talent shortage can be mitigated by maintaining positive relations with ex-employees.

According to a Robert Walters survey, 90% of managers in the Philippines have expressed a willingness to re-hire ex-employees.

“In the light of the growing talent shortage, nurturing positive relationships with ex-employees is advisable,” said Alejandro Perez-Higuero, director at Robert Walters Philippines.

Mr. Perez-Higuero said that such workers possess advantages like familiarity with the company and culture, which will minimize adaptation time and training costs.

“Re-hires quickly contribute and can even play a role in succession planning. But as you explore the possibility of re-hiring, it is crucial to assess the reasons for their departure and growth during their absence, ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties,” he added.

The survey also found that 78% of professionals are open to returning to their previous employer, while 88% said they remained in some form of contact with their previous manager.

Around 47% of workers surveyed said that they left to seek better pay, while 42% left to improve their career progression.

“While the global recruitment market has slowed slightly in 2023, candidate shortages continue — and so the fact there is a pool of talent open to re-joining business should excite leaders,” Toby Fowlston, chief executive officer of Robert Walters, said.

“In light of this research, companies who are looking to hire can consider re-engaging with alumni… ‘boomerang employees’ could well be a solution to skills shortages,” he said.

However, Mr. Fowlston said employers should manage the return of boomerang employees especially if they are returning to a more senior position.

“A balance needs to be struck and employers should assess that they are doing all they can to open up lines of opportunity within an organization, or they risk sending a message that one route to promotion and better package is to take the boomerang route,” he said.

The survey also found that 24% of workers consider returning to their previous employers for better remuneration, 21% for career progression and 22% if there are changes to the team structure. — Justine Irish D. Tabile

Neil Banzuelo